Being an explorer will transform you into a better entrepreneur.

2 min readJan 23, 2021

Do you consider yourself an explorer? Are you an adventurer?…

Been an explorer is one of the keys to be a successful entrepreneur.

To understand what means to be an explorer I'm going to share two stories with you:

The first story is from a discoverer very famous Critobal Colombus, who designed a trip to America but this trip was planned badly.

Colombus designed a trip to go to India but discovered America instead but he didn't plan this he pretended to go to India.

He took some ships, made some calculus and he arrives in America, when he arrives he found out that he wasn't in India but that he discovered a new continent, sow he started to make new travels to this new continent and make new routes and these routes where followed by new discoverers that traveled to America too… but the point here is that the wrong calculus made a HUGE discovery.

But what has this to do with entrepreneurship? where now I'm going to share the second story.

This is the story of a founder that develops a mobile app called Burn, this app had three principal functionalities you could do:

  1. geolocalization
  2. you could share your content

